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Alpes me

Allez là où vous vous sentez le plus vivant ! 

                                                                      Outdoor and sports experiences 


  • Travels


  • 1996-1997 9-month “backpacking” trip through South America • Trail of Machu Picchu • Climbing the Tungurahua (5,023m) • Climbing the Cotopaxi (5,897m)

  • 1998-1999 6-month trip to the USA • Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Sequoia, Rocky Mountain, Death Valley, Everglades, Key West

  • 2000-present Organized and planned trips for family and friends focusing on hiking, camping, diving, and mountain climbing.

  • New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Mongolia, Panama, Costa Rica, China, India, Kenya, Honduras, Nicaragua, Iceland…


  • Sport


  • Good level of an amateur endurance sports athlete(road bike, mountain bike, Triathlon, Trail Running).

  •  Trail running achievements and races : ITRA

  •  Participation in numerous races, road bike, mountain bike, road running, trail running(Tour du Mont Blanc, Tour des Dents du Midi, Tour des Dents Blanches, crossing the Jura, crossing the Nice-Geneva Alps by bike).

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